
Brown Stewed Turkey Neck ターキーネックのブラウンシチュー

In his early childhood, Noel was schooled in Maverley before matriculating to “Edith Dalton James High School” which is located at 40 Herrick Avenue, P.O. Box 89, Duhaney Park, Kingston 20, St. Andrew Jamaica, W.I. based on his successes on his “Grade Six Assessment Test” (GSAT) sitting. By the time he was in the 10th grade, he was resolved to pursue a career in the realm of culinary art. He started taking courses in Food and Nutrition because he thought this could help pave the way for his becoming a chef. That year and in his 11th grade year, he topped his class in his chosen major. This gave him the reassurance he needed that he had chosen the right career path. By this time he had set his sights on earning one of the coveted places at one of Jamaica’s premier culinary arts training institutions – the “Runaway Bay HEART Academy” in Saint Ann.

In addition to the teachings from his mom, one of Noel’s aunt was also a chef by profession. He was often around her. From his time in her kitchen, he picked up a lot of useful insights which he was always quick to try out. These teachings were most invaluable. They helped to make his career decision a lot clearer. In those days, and the belief still holds true today in Jamaica as it is probably true in many societies the world over, the skills based education is usually recommended to students who are believed to be a bit slower than average. This being the norm therefore, he was expected to pursue a white collar career given that his grades were pretty solid.

To make matters worse, there was a strong stigma associated with being chefs, plumbers, and other blue collar professionals. They were marginalised as being unable to read and write well or do basic arithmetic. So, naturally, a true measure of success would be to become an engineer, a lawyer, a doctor or even a banker. But not a chef. In fact, Noel had done so well on his Caribbean Examination Certificate sitting that he could have gone on to teachers college. But food was wired in his DNA. Becoming a chef was encoded in his alleles.

According to Noel, his real inspiration – the epiphany – came in the year 2000. Round about this time, cable TV had mushroomed throughout Jamaica. The offerings also expanded as competition among the cable TV providers neared fever pitch high. In addition to the regular network and entertainment channels, The “Food Network” also became one of the many new offerings. Chef Noel became an avid viewer. He was hooked on the “Food Network.” He quickly realised that being a chef was not only about toiling away in the trenches of the kitchen. Rather, it was a profession which offered a vast array of career paths. Based on one’s love and innate passion, one could: pursue a career in the kitchen, become a TV personality, create recipes, become a food writer or critic, become an educator, one could be all you wanted to be while enjoying every moment of it.

Part of what was driving him to matriculate to the “Runaway Bay HEART Academy” was inspired by his love of Jamaica’s very own TV cooking show called “Creative Cooking” with featured the likes of “Chef Maisy Mills” and other celebrated Jamaican chefs bringing creative cooking into every living room in Jamaica. The thing that stood out most to Noel was that the bio featured almost all the chefs who were featured on “Creative Cooking” stating that they were alumni of the “Runaway Bay HEART Academy.” His dream was soon realised. He completed his level one chef’s training at the “Runaway Bay HEART Academy” and soon started working in the industry.

While attending the “Runaway Bay HEART Academy,” he interned in the prestigious all-inclusive hotel kitchens such as “Bahia Principe Luxury”, “Bahia Principe Grand”, “Rui”, “Couples San Souci”, and many others. After graduating he worked in the coveted world renowned “Hedonism All-Inclusive Hotel” kitchen to further hone his culinary arts skills.

幼少期にノエルは、彼の「グレード6評価テスト」(GSAT)の成功に基づいて、40ヘリックアベニュー、P.O.ボックス89、Duhaneyパーク、キングストン20、セントアンドリュージャマイカ、W.I.にある「エディス・ダルトン・ジェームズ・ハイスクール」に入学する前に、地元マーバリーで学校に通っていました。小学10年生になる頃には、料理の道に進むことを決意していました。これが料理人になるための道を開くことにつながると考え、食物と栄養の講座を受講するようになりました。その年と11年生の年に、彼は自分の選んだ専攻でクラスのトップになりました。これで、彼は自分が正しい進路を選んだという安心感を得ることができました。この頃までには、彼はジャマイカでも有数の料理芸術のトレーニング機関であるセントアンの「ランナウェイ・ベイ・ハート・アカデミー(RUNAWAYAY BAY HEART ACADEMY)」で切望していた場所の一つを手に入れることを目標としました。


昔も今もシェフや配管工、その他のブルーカラーであることに関連した強い思い込みがありました。彼らは読み書きができない、基本的な算数ができないということで格下に見られていました。当然のことながら、真の成功者の職業は、エンジニア、弁護士、医者、あるいは銀行員になることでしょう。しかし、シェフは成功者の職業ではありません。実際、ノエルはカリブ海検定試験の試験では、ティーチャーズ・カレッジに進学できるほどの成績を残していたのです。しかし、食べ物は彼のDNAに組み込まれていました。シェフになることは 彼の対立遺伝子にしっかり残されていたのです。


彼がランナウェイ・ベイ・ハート・アカデミーに入学しようと思ったきっかけの一つは、シェフ・メイジー・ミルズ(Chef Maisy Mills)や他の有名なジャマイカ人シェフたちがジャマイカのあらゆるリビングルームでクリエイティブな料理を披露する「クリエイティブ・クッキング(Creative Cooking) 」と呼ばれるジャマイカ独自のテレビ料理番組への愛に触発されたことでした。ノエルが最も惹かれたのは、「クリエイティブ・クッキング」で紹介されたシェフのほぼ全員が「ランナウェイ・ベイ・ハート・アカデミー」の卒業生であることを番組で紹介していたことです。彼の夢はすぐに実現しました。彼は「ランナウェイ・ベイ・ハート・アカデミー」でシェフのレベル1のトレーニングを修了し、すぐにこの業界で働き始めました。


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