Jodi-Ann’s other passion – the performing arts – brought her to Japan over two years ago. Jodi-Ann although now residing in the beautifully well-preserved naturally beautiful north eastern Japanese prefecture named Fukushima is still a member of the Port Antonio Drama Society. Jodi-Ann had always loved a handful of things in life, namely her family, friends, hometown, food and the performing arts – drama and storytelling to be exact. This passion for drama led her to pursue her tertiary studies at the prestigious Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts ( in Kingston, Jamaica. At Edna Manley College, she majored in the performing arts and was also a regular (before, during and after college) contestant in the annual JCDC events to commemorate our independence both at the parish, regional and national levels.
Upon completing her Arts degree, she pursued a career as an educator where she shaped and prepared young aspiring theatre performers in the intricacies of stagecraft and presence. She excelled in her stint at Excelsior High School in east Kingston before she was made an offer of a lifetime. She recalls that a friend of hers told her of an opening at a school in Japan. The school in question – her current place of employment – wanted both an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teacher as well as an arts and drama teacher. Much to their delight, she checked all the boxes perfectly well. Needless to say, Jodi-Ann was offered the position effective immediately at the end of the interview. She asked to complete the Christmas term at Excelsior High School in order to get her students through their Christmas production and to give the school’s administration enough time to find her replacement starting January of the following year.
The rest as they say, was history. Jodi-Ann affectionately called “J Lioness” was soon in Japan where she took up residence in Fukushima City and got down to business endearing the little angels to her through her magnetising personality. She has since held successful school productions and has already commenced preparations for this year’s Christmas story enactment this all the while showering the jewel of her heart, her daughter, Asantewaa. Jodi-Ann is also the contributor of the Anancy (also spelt Anansy, Anansi, Nanci, Nansy) live videotaped storytelling. This is a very tangible tribute to sharing Jamaica, the Caribbean and West African traditions and moral teachings to the world. The stories are dramatized in the Jamaican Language. Each of the stories comes complete with both standard English and Japanese subtitles. We encourage you to follow the stories here at either: or
Jodi-Ann is still in her youth and has a love for life. It is this passion which fuels her drive to run multiple projects concurrently while caring for Asantewaa. She also wears the hats of being a Freelance Photographer, a Lifestyle Blogger, and yes – you guessed it, a Self-Styled Cook who caters to those who need to discover or rediscover the magic of the tastes of Jamaican cuisines. Coming out of the interview, if you were to ask me which of Jodi-Ann’s passions was number one. Which one ruled royally supreme? After mulling over our talk for a few good brain busting minutes, I would have to conclude that food was tied for first place with her earth angel, Asantewaa.
ジョディ=アンのもう一つの情熱である舞台芸術と彼女を日本に連れてきたのは2年以上前のことでした。ジョディ=アンは現在、美しく自然に恵まれた福島県に住んでいますが、今でもポート・アントニオ演劇協会のメンバーでもあります。ジョディ=アンは、家族、友人、故郷、食べ物、そして舞台芸術、正確にはドラマとストーリーテリングが大好きでした。このドラマへの情熱が彼女をジャマイカのキングストンにある名門エドナ・マンリー・カレッジ・オブ・ザ ビジュアル・アンド・パフォーミング・アーツ(での高等教育に導きました。エドナ・マンレー・カレッジでは、舞台芸術を専攻し、国レベルでジャマイカ独立を記念して毎年行われるJCDCのイベントの常連(大学に入る前、大学在籍中、そして卒業後も)として出場していました。
あとは、彼らが言うように、歴史の中での出来事でした。愛称 “J Lioness (ジェイ・ライオネス)”と呼ばれるジョディ=アンはすぐに日本に来て、福島市に住居を構え、彼女の魅力的な人柄で小さな天使のような子供たちを魅了しました。以来、彼女は学校での公演を成功させ、今年のクリスマス・ストーリーの上演に向けてすでに準備を始めていますが、その間も彼女の心の宝石である娘のアサンテワアには、そのすべてを捧げています。ジョディ=アンは、ブラザー・アナンシー(Anansy, Anansi, Nanci, Nansyとも呼ばれています)のライブ・ビデオ・ストーリーテリングの貢献者でもあります。これは、ジャマイカ、カリブ海、西アフリカの伝統と道徳的な教えを世界に伝えることへの非常に素晴らしい貢献です。ストーリーはジャマイカ言語でドラマ化されています。それぞれの物語には、標準英語と日本語の字幕が付いています。 または でストーリーをフォローすることをお勧めします。