
Cornmeal Porridge コーンミール・ポリッジ

写真左側がRobert Christopher Dixon、右側が彼の6次元微分方程式

Accompong Town Maroon, アコンポン・タウン マルーン

Cornmeal Porridge

This is the sixth instalment in our “Food I fondly remember” interview series which is aimed at introducing Japanese to odds defying Jamaican and their Jamaican soul foods which many Japanese have never experienced but are really worth trying.

Meet Robert Christopher Dixon – a true [Jamaican] with strong Maroon roots pioneered by every definition of the word – and a true world citizen. Robert Christopher is a PhD candidate of Electrical Engineering at Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics, speaks Russian and lived there for over two decades. He is the father of five children Naiomi, Jordan, Rochelle, Michael and Tatiana. Has has a game (similar to chess – but infinitely more complex and challenging) which he developed, and a patent for invention holder in Power Electronics. He is an educator/ engineer that thinks, eats, breathes, sleeps and relaxes to 6-dimensional differential equations – a form of mathematics called calculus. Robert is a no nonsense man. He does not subscribe to the notion of an idle mind. He believes one can achieve anything they want in life – if they believe in themselves and if they work hard to make it a reality. He is a firm believer in education being the key to unlocking all the windows of opportunities which await us. That said, you would never know that Robert is such a genius. He enjoys sports, music, movies, history and philosophy.

Who really is this man? Who is this man who has solved one of the biggest challenges which has baffled the greatest mathematicians and physicists? Who is this simple genius who has created one of the biggest breakthroughs in Power Electronics for Renewable Energy Systems and Technology?

So what was life like for Robert as a little boy growing up on Oddman Lane, in the Grants Pen community of Shortwood, Kingston 8, Jamaica? From the early 1970s on, the world was polarised based on political ideological beliefs and practices. Jamaica, which up until then an island paradise and still is, was not spared the ideological upheavals and violence due to the influences of Socialism and Capitalism. Competing political strongholds took root in the more financially marginalised communities. The order of the day was that political supporters would be rewarded for helping their political representatives secure a seat in the House of Representative and even better if they were a member of the ruling party. Communities across the island such as Shortwood and Grants Pen were not immune.  

Robert hails from a relatively large working class family of 12 children. His mother, Winnifred, bore two children from a previous union whose last name was Jones. His father, too, had three children from a prior relationship. His parents met each other in the 1960s while attending a catering school, in Mary Brown’s Corner, Constant Spring, St. Andrews.  Robert is the sixth child. His father worked as a waiter then as a chef at the then Sheraton Hotel in New Kingston in the early 70s. His mother, he recalls, was an excellent cook, ran the family’s business. 

Like Julius Brown and Cherise Howell Ige’s parents, his parents too were resolved to ensure no member of their family of eight at that time fell prey to this cynical dismay of political rivalry across the island in the 70s over scarce spoils and benefits but paradoxically never escaping the abyss of struggle and poverty that such blind allegiance brings. This is evident in the fact that all his siblings have succeeded from nowhere to somewhere in life. One of his brother’s was a major in the Jamaica Defence Force and Technical Director at Seprod Group Co., another is an Assistant Manager with Los Angeles MTA and one of his sisters was awarded her PhD in Education in 2019. His family members and siblings remain very tight knit.

Both his parents are from rural farming villages where hard work was a part of their daily childhood lives and in turn wanted the best for their children. His father, an Accompong Town Maroon, migrated to Kingston from the Merrywood District of Ipswich in the Cockpit Country of St. Elizabeth in search of a change in opportunities. His mother too, in search of a change in opportunities, migrated to Kingston from Friendship District, St. Ann. His father soon got a job in the 1960s working at the United States of America (USA) Guantanamo Bay military base in Cuba to care for soldiers on their way to Vietnam to fight in the war. At that time, his paternal uncle was already living in the USA and invited his father to migrate to the USA. Robert’s father declined the offer to leave his family behind in Jamaica to start a new path in the USA in the late 60s to early 70s. He was not interested in relocating to the USA amidst the 70s political turmoil which was destroying Jamaica at that time. He had to captain his family’s ship. He had to remain true to the core tenets of his Maroon lineage.

Robert has relatives who are still living in the Accompong Town Maroon Village of Ipswich. Ipswich was once a thriving town with its own train stop until the train service ceased in 1992. The Maroons are still autonomous and have their own system of government. One of his relatives, is a chief negotiator commissioned with protecting the Accompong Town Maroon Village and the ecosystem of one of Jamaica’s most biodiverse ecosystems from bauxite mining interests. The Cockpit Country is also home to several indigenous and endangered flora and fauna species. It is this fighting spirit that still characterises the Maroons of present day Jamaica.


 このシリーズは、日本人の多くが経験したことのないジャマイカのソウルフードを紹介することを目的としたインタビューシリーズ「Food I fondly remember」の第6弾です。

 ロバート・クリストファー・ディクソン(Robert Christopher Dixon)に会ってみましょう-真のジャマイカ人であり、マルーンのルーツを持つ真のグローバル市民です。ロバート・クリストファーはロシアのトムスク州立制御システム・ラジオエレクトロニクス大学の電気工学の博士号候補であり、ロシア語を話し、20年以上に渡り現地に住んでいました。彼はナイオミ、ジョーダン、ロシェル、マイケル、タチアナの5人の子供の父親です。彼は自ら開発したゲーム(チェスに似ていますが、無限に複雑で挑戦的なゲーム)を持っており、パワーエレクトロニクスの特許を持っています。6次元微分方程式-微積分と呼ばれる数学の一形態を考え、食べ、呼吸し、眠り、リラックスする教育者であり技術者です。彼は、自分自身を信じ、それを現実にするために努力すれば、人生でやりたいことは何でも達成できると信じています。彼は、教育が私たちが待っているすべての機会の窓を開く鍵であると固く信じています。そうは言っても、ロバートがこれほどの天才であることを人は知らないでしょう。彼はスポーツ、音楽、映画、歴史、哲学を楽しんでいます。



 ロバートは12人の子供を持つ比較的大規模な労働者階級の家庭の出身です。彼の母親のウィニフレッドは、前の結婚で2人の子供を産みましたが、その名字はジョーンズでした。彼の父もまた、前の関係から3人の子供を産んでいました。彼の両親は1960年代に、セント・アンドリュースのメアリー・ブラウンズ・コーナー、コンスタント・スプリングにあるケータリング・スクールに通っていた時に知り合いました。 ロバートは6人目の子供です。彼の父親はウェイターとして働き、70年代初頭にはニューキングストンのシェラトンホテルでシェフとして働いていました。彼の母親は優秀な料理人で、家業を営んでいたと彼は回想しています。




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