A prime motivating factor for his transferring to Point Hill Primary School was because the principal was a close family friend and it was believed he would be there to help guide Fitz’s young and impressionable mind. He soon transferred to Harbour View – middleclass community in south eastern Saint Andrew to live with one of his sisters and attend the Harbour View All-Age School (Primary and Junior High School combined for a total of 9 grades). It was here that he successfully sat his Common Entrance (a national examination for primary and all-age school children to earn a handful of the coveted top high school spaces) Examination and passed for Kingston Technical High School (KT). (You may recall that this is the same alma mater of Julius and Robert who were both featured in interviews 5 and 6, respectively). At KT, Fitz specialized in construction engineering and like his junior alumni Julius and Robert, Fitz before them was also guided by the late great Jamaican mathematics and physics educator – Keith Irons. It was also here at KT that he got his first real taste of students’ representation as both the Head Boy and the President of KT’s Students Council in the 1970s. He was also a member of the National Students Council governing body with functioning roles for both KT and Camperdown, an east Kingston high school.
Soon after graduating high school, he migrated to Milwaukee, Wisconsin in the heartland of the United States of America (USA or US for short). At the time he was invited to assist one of his older brothers who owned and operated a self-service gasoline stand and convenience store in Milwaukee and to study engineering at the university there. While there he got caught up in the activism at the time. He became involved in both political, civic development and anti-racism youth organisations in the Milwaukee area.
Having had enough of activism and having completed his studies, Fitz returned home to Jamaica in 1982 with a couple of associate’s and a bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin. Part of his decision to return home was to spend some time with his mother because his father had recently predeceased her. The months he spent back in Lluidas Vale with his mom also helped him to reconnect with his hometown. This was one of the most fulfilling
moments in his life. He soon gained employment in the public sector where he work in the Ministry of Utilities as an administrator in charge of the ministry’s water portfolio for about 6-8 months. Prior to his sojourn at the ministry, he had been caught up in some community activities in Lluidas Vale to agitate the government to restore and improve the water supply.
Growing up in Lluidas Vale back in the days when the excitement of independence and the pride and joy this brought to Jamaicans of all walks of life was not lost on Fitz. His father was swept up in the political euphoria of the time and devoted a lot of his time to serving his follow men and was a champion in ensuring that local government benefits would extend to their hometown. As a then councillor, his father would rub shoulders with the top leaders of Jamaica’s political landscape. In fact, his home was a regular resting place for the late former Prime Minister of Jamaica the Right Honourable Michael Manley who was very instrumental in securing huge benefits from the bauxite mining proceeds.
There is no doubt that the young inquisitive mind of Fitz Jackson was being fertilized for a lifetime of public service in representative politics as a very humble servant and fierce defendant of his constituents.
彼がポイントヒル小学校に転校した一番の理由は、校長先生が親しい家族の友人であり、フィッツの若く印象的な心を導く手助けをしてくれると信じられていたからです。彼はすぐにハーバービュー(セントアンドリューの南東部にある中流階級のコミュニティ)に転校し、姉妹の一人と暮らし、ハーバービュー・オールエイジスクール(小学校と中学校を合わせて9学年)に通うことになりました。ここで彼は、コモン・エントランス(小・中・高生のための国家試験)に合格し、キングストン・テクニカル・ハイスクール(以下:KT)に合格しました。この高校は、インタビュー5、6で紹介したジュリアスとロバートの母校であることをご記憶の方も多いかもしれません)。KTでフィッツは建築工学を専攻し、後輩のジュリアスやロバートと同様に、フィッツもまたジャマイカの偉大な数学・物理学の教育者である故キース・アイアンズ先生の指導を受けていました。 また、1970年代には、ヘッドボーイとして、また生徒会の会長として、初めて生徒の代表としての経験をしたのもこの大学でした。彼はまた、KTと東キングストンの高校であるカンパーダウンの両方の役割を担っていた全国生徒会の理事会のメンバーでもありました。