The prepared mackerel would be added after the coconut milk was reduced to about two-thirds or a half. This is just before the coconut milk is about to start forming oil. The mackerel would be allowed to cook in the coconut milk until the coconut milk began to separate into oil and curd. It was this oil and curd that made the dish of – “Salt Mackerel Rundown” so uniquely special and like no other dish in the vast repertoire of Jamaica’s vibrant culinary kaleidoscope. At this point some cooks would add the remainder of the seasonings to add that special burst of flavours that would take his taste buds to realms beyond description. To realms beyond this universe. The “Salt Mackerel Rundown” was left to reduce a tad bit more to bring it to perfection before being dished out piping (steaming) hot from the pot to be devoured with the white flour “cart wheel” dumplings, Renta and Saint Vincent yams, and boiled green bananas with a hearty serving of the coconut oil and curds.
To complete this treat, a nice tall cup of lemonade (lime and dark cane sugar mixed with water) was the perfect compliment. Needless to say, this would be the end of work for the afternoon as everyone would fall asleep right after partaking in this soulful culinary masterpiece. All this talk about “Salt Mackerel Rundown” with Donald left me aching for “Salt Mackerel Rundown”. In all my almost 20 years here in Japan, as faith would have it, for the first time ever, I found dried coconut in a supermarket chain named Espot located about 4 km from my home. I intend to crack it open, grate it by hand, juice it to make coconut milk and make a hearty serving of “Salt Mackerel Rundown” this coming Sunday.
That said however, I can’t wait to bite into some of Donald’s authentic “Salt Mackerel Rundown” with boiled dumplings, green bananas, and Renta and Saint Vincent yam all cooked over a wooden fire on his farm sitting 5,000 feet (1,524 meters) high looking out into the Caribbean Sea and wash it down some lemonade. C’est la vie.
If you are game for a real healthy serving of a truly authentic Jamaican culinary treat, and if you are a foodie like Donald and I, a proper serving of authentic Jamaican wood fired “Salt Mackerel Rundown” with boiled dumplings, green bananas, and Renta and Saint Vincent yam is guaranteed to make your heart dance. It is equally as delicious with a hearty serving of farm fresh Blue Mountain open fire roasted coffee or bush tea.
I honestly believe like Donald who has a genuine appreciation for Jamaican cuisine but singled out “Salt Mackerel Rundown” with boiled dumplings, green bananas, and Renta and Saint Vincent yam, you too will be hooked for life. You can never stop craving more.
So, when you visit Jamaica, B&B with a Jamaican, home-stay with a Jamaican, visit a Jamaican home or dine at a Jamaican restaurant anywhere in the world, you must try some proper “Salt Mackerel Rundown” with boiled dumplings, green bananas, and Renta and Saint Vincent yam. If possible you should visit Morant Bay in St. Thomas for the authentic experience that Donald just cannot shake from his memory. Donald also believes you should try it with some “real Jamaican lemonade” made with freshly picked and squeezed limes. Donald is sure that this will definitely make your heart dance.
Until next time, stay tuned, walk good, stay safe and eat until belly bust.
We love to hear from you. Let us know what you liked about this article. Share your “Salt Mackerel Rundown” experience.
For those of you who are interested in how to make your own Jamaican Salt Mackerel Rundown, these two links copied below should help you get on the way. Recipe links:
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ドナルドの本格的な「塩サバのランダウン」を食べて、茹でたダンプリング、グリーンバナナ、レンタとセント・ヴィンセントヤムをカリブ海を見下ろす標高5,000フィート(1,524メートル)の彼の農場で食べて、レモネードで洗い流すのが待ち遠しいです。C’est la vie.
だから、ジャマイカを訪れたとき、ジャマイカ人と一緒にB&Bをしたとき、ジャマイカ人とホームステイをしたとき、ジャマイカ人の家を訪れたとき、世界のどこにいてもジャマイカ料理のレストランで食事をしたときには、茹でたダンプリング、グリーンバナナ、レンタとセント・ビンセントのヤムイモを使ったちゃんとした「塩サバのランダウン」を食べなければなりません。できればセントトーマスのモラントベイに行って、ドナルドが記憶から振り切れないほどの本格的な体験をしてみてはいかがでしょうか。 ドナルドはまた、摘みたて&絞りたてのライムを使った “本物のジャマイカンレモネード “と一緒に味わうべきだと考えています。ドナルドはきっとあなたの心を躍らせてくれることでしょう。
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