
Stew Peas おばあちゃんのステュー・ピーズ

Her first job was at a garment factory – more like a “sweat shop.” The work was tough. The pay was the minimum permitted under law – a wage that was below the “liveable wage.” She toiled away at this job and gave it her all. Her leadership skills were soon rewarded. To help subsidise her paltry income, she started doing side jobs in events promotion. Always seeking ways to improve herself – she knew that in order to do so, she had to start her own business.

By the time her son was one year old, Vasiana and her grandmother were finally able to say goodbye to North Street in 1995. They moved to one of the largest bed towns of Kington named Portmore. Portmore is the southwestern most part of St. Catherine – the largest parish of Jamaica. By this time, Vasiana had honed her skills in events and products promotions. She worked both day and night as a promoter of some of Jamaica’s largest food giants such as Grace Kennedy Foods – a global food giant, Ramson and Wysinco to name a few. She was also the go to person for managing their bars at major parties and music events such as “Sting” – known as the “Greatest One Night Music Festival in the World.”
With the knowledge and experiences she had gained over the years, she soon started providing her services to individuals and small organisations who needed help both in planning, hosting and promoting their events. Word got around about her excellent talent and honesty. Soon she had a steady flow of clients and this was the birth of her entrepreneurship.

Vasiana decided to take a bold step towards becoming her own boss and employer. Drawing on her expertise in bar management, events planning, hosting and promoting she decided the time had come for her to start her own formal business. She opened her first bar in Bayside, Portmore. With her deft people’s skill, it did not take her too long before patrons started frequenting her bar. To further attract people to her bar and the other bars around. She approached the other bar owners to sell them the idea of a “Round-Robin.” [A “Round-Robin” is a type of event which helps to introduce patrons to other bars. Each of the bar involved is given a special date to host a big party. When well-coordinated, the hosting bar’s sales for that night is very huge. There may be domino competitions, giveaways, and major sound systems playing that night – effectively making it a huge party]. Soon afterwards other bar owners started paying her to take their stock and help them set up their bar to run much more professionally organised and more efficiently.

Through her visionary insights, she helped to significantly increase the sales of her fellow bar owners. This success would result in a major setback for her. Her landlord for her bar in Bayside, on seeing her success soon became as greedy as he was envious. In one year, he increased her rent five (5) times. Undaunted, she agreed to his rent hike every time. Soon after, her told her he needed to make some upgrade to his property and needed some help from her financially. Being a very kind person by nature and also being aware that this was where she had her business, she assisted him. All the while she was still paying her rent diligently. Not so long after she had assisted her landlord financially, he decided to put her out of his building. She had to get her lawyer involved to recover the money she had loaned him.

This amounted to about 3 months’ worth of rent. This afforded her enough time to find another location in Passage Fort. Her then landlord’s attempt at bar ownership failed in less than a year. Since relocating to Passage Fort, she has expanded her business and has opened a second bar on Brentford Road close to the famous Studio One in Cross Roads, Kingston. Up until the forced emergency Lockdown of the entire island in March, she was doing fairly well and was in the process of making the final payment on a property in Innswood, St. Catherine to explore other business pursuits. The two months and three days lockdown has had a telling toll on her finances. Although both her bars had to be closed, both her landlords had demanded full payments of the rent without giving her a moratorium. To appease them, she had to use the money earmarked for finalising the payment on the property.


息子が1歳になる1995年頃には、ヴァシアナと祖母はノース・ストリートに別れを告げることができました。彼らはポートモアというキングトン最大のベッドタウンに引っ越しました。ポートモアはジャマイカ最大のパリッシュであるセント・キャサリンの南西部に位置しています。この時までに、ヴァシアナはイベントや商品のプロモーションで彼女のスキルを磨いていました。彼女は世界的な食品大手のグレース・ケネディ・フーズ(Grace Kennedy Foods)、ラムソン(Ramson)、ワイシンコ(Wysinco)など、ジャマイカ最大の食品大手のプロモーターとして昼夜を問わず働いていました。彼女はまた、「世界で最も偉大な一夜限りの音楽祭」として知られる「スティング」のような主要なパーティーや音楽イベントで彼らのバーを管理するための頼れる存在でもありました。






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