
Stew Peas おばあちゃんのステュー・ピーズ

Throughout all her ups and downs she has remained very positive and determined to succeed. We then went on to talk about what is the one Jamaican dish which gives her greatest solace – especially when she reminisces on her days in West Kingston. She loved all of her grandmother’s dishes. Her grandmother made a very mean (mean = super tasty) Brown Stewed Chicken dish. Her Beef Soup was from a different time and place. Her Peas Soup took her breath away.

But like Clive and so many other Jamaican, “Stew Peas with white rice” was and still is like none other. This is the one dish which she can never get enough of. “Stew Peas and white rice” with a lot of “spinners” – truly made her “Heart Dance.” She fondly remembers the great effort her grandmother – who was an extremely great cook – would go through to get all the prime ingredients needed to make the perfect pot of Stew Peas. So intoxicatingly flavourful was her grandmother’s “Stew Peas” people would literally stop at her gate in hope of getting a taste of her “Stew Peas” which would take everyone’s taste buds to the sixth (6th) dimension. Time and space stood still. It was truly something from the heavens. Grandma’s “Stew Peas” would always take everyone to another realm.

She recalls how her grandmother would head off to the nearby Coronation Market – this is the largest and the number 1 market in Jamaica, the market where you would get the freshest and the best of Jamaica’s farm produce from all fourteen parishes. She would painstakingly handpick each ingredient – the dried coconut – to make coconut milk, onions, fresh thyme, fresh St. Andrew scallion, garlic, choice Scotch Bonnet peppers, pimentos, and a quart of Red Kidney beans. Next she would go to another section of the market or to one of the meat shops near the market to buy the Pig Tail, Corned Pork, Corned Beef, and when the budget afforded – a nice big cut of fresh beef. And last but not least, she would pick up some flour and black pepper if she did not have enough at home.

By early afternoon, her grandmother would have already prepared everything for the pot which she would then let slow cook over a charcoal fire. Cooking would be a good three hours at least. During this time, she remembers how distracting this was. In fact, she could not focus on her studies. She would salivate for what seems like forever. The best words she recalled hearing on Thursdays late in the afternoon was – “dinner is ready.”

When it was cooked, the meat was super tender, everything just literally melted away when it hit the palate of her mouth. Infused with the rustic smoky infusion of the charcoal – this was an experience beyond belief. Beyond words. This was true magic.

It seems like Clive and Vasiana will have to have a talk as to whose Stew Peas is the best. His mother’s or her grandmother’s. Like countless other Jamaican, Stew Peas is the one food that seems to make all our “Hearts Dance.” One thing is for sure, unless you try Stew Peas when you visit Jamaica or dine at any one of Jamaica’s fine dining establishments the world over – you are surely missing out on the true magic of Jamaican cuisine.

If you ever visit Jamaica, and if you happen to be in Portmore or close to Studio One (recording studio) be sure to visit Vasiana’s bar. Who knows, if you are lucky, you might be just in time to enjoy a hearty servings of “Stew Peas with white rice.”
She strongly believes that until you have had stew peas (especially a very good home cooked pot like her grandma’s), you have not yet had the real Jamaican food experience. So when you visit Jamaica, just ask for stew peas, please. It will surely make your “Heart Dance.”

Interviewed and Written by Radcliffe Lennox
Translated by Shiho Owada
Reviewed by Shuji Kamimoto



彼女は祖母が近くのコロネーション・マーケット(Coronation Market:カリブ諸国最大の市場)に行った時のことを思い出します。ここではジャマイカの14パリッシュから集められた新鮮で最高の農産物が手に入ります。祖母は、ココナッツミルク、玉ねぎ、新鮮なタイム、新鮮なセントアンドリューのネギ、ニンニク、スコッチボンネットペッパー、ピメント、レッドキドニービーンズ、一つ一つの材料を丹念に手摘みしていました。次に彼女は市場の別のセクションに行くか、市場の近くの肉屋に行き、ピッグテール、コンポーク、コンビーフ、そして予算に余裕があれば新鮮な牛肉の大きなカット肉を購入しました。家に十分な在庫がない場合は小麦粉と黒コショウを補充するために買います。これは大変重要なことで、小麦粉がないとステューピーズに添えるスピナーがなくなるということです。あってはならないことです。

午後の早い時間には、祖母はすでに鍋の準備をしていて、炭火でゆっくりと調理していました。調理は少なくとも3時間はかかります。この間は彼女はこれがいかに気を散らせていたかを覚えています。実際、彼女は勉強に集中することができませんでした。彼女はこの時間が永遠に続くように感じつばが出ます。木曜日の午後遅くに彼女が聞く最高の言葉は、「夕飯ができたよ」でした。調理された肉は超柔らかく、彼女の口の中に入ったとき、文字通りすべてが溶け出してしまいます。炭の素朴なスモーキーな香りに包まれて – これは信じられないほどの経験でした。



文章 ラドクリフ レノックス
翻訳 大和田志保
校閲 神本秀爾


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