Covid-19下のClive Myrie氏 右はスピナー入りのStew Peas
Kingston Duhaney Park キングストン ドゥハネイ・パーク
Stew Peas with White Rice
This is the second installment in our “Food I fondly remember” interview series which is aimed at introducing Japanese to soul foods of Jamaica which many Japanese have never experienced but are really worth trying.
Clive Myrie is a true Jamaican with an indomitable will to innovate and boldly explore things never before explored. As a true entrepreneur, Clive was once Jamaica’s only commercial grower of passion fruits on his farm in Moores, Clarendon – located about 10 miles (16 km) southeast of Chapelton. As a visionary, Clive went into farming knowing that he needed to focus on value-added if his agro-business was to be viable. He processed his passion fruit into packaged products, one of which was his very popular passion fruit syrup.
To guard his efforts from much of it being eaten on the farm, Clive had to devise a buzz in Moores claiming that over consumption of passion fruit could impair men’s virility. This worked for a little while before his business suffered a massive fall in demand out of fear of becoming impotent. But maybe – just maybe – it had worked too well. One of the biggest fears of Jamaicans – men and women alike. He had to declare to the nation that he had crafted the rumour to protect his fruits. To help meet the demands, he soon provided thousands of seedlings to farmers in the surrounding communities of Peckham, Frankfield, Crooked River and Chapelton. This proved to be immensely successful – until cheap imports forced him to retreat from passion fruit farming.
Undaunted, Clive has always had an eye out for creating his own opportunities in waiting. It was while dining with his family at a North Coast hotel (tourist area) restaurant on a Jamaica night (by law hotels must allow Jamaica nationals paid access to their facilities at least one day each week) that Clive’s creative mind went into overdrive. He observed the struggles of one of the chefs preparing the jerk meat and had a flash of brilliance – an epiphany.
On his drive back home that night to Clarendon, he figured out the product that would lead to the chef’s answer. After a long period of R&D and testing, he finally came up with Jamaica’s very own authentic jerk briquettes which he named Pimora. This product was so amazing he was able to get a major corporate sponsor to come on board. The product also won the best product award in its first year on the market. The rest, as the saying goes, is history.
Clive spent his formative years in the middle income community named Duhaney Park. Duhaney Park is in west St. Andrew close to St. Catherine. As a little boy growing up, Clive enjoyed his mommy’s food immensely. In our interview, Clive reminisced on several of his childhood favourite dishes. This included his second favourite dish – Curried Goat. Clive took me down memory lane and through the mores of the sacred Jamaican food traditions.
Sunday was as special as family meals could be. Rice and Peas was the main staple combined with a meat dish or two – be it steak, pork or chicken. Saturday was Soup day and Thursday was Stew Peas day (also affectionately called Ben Johnson Day) was very special. Needless to say, this was the day which made Clive’s “heart dance.”
Clive was, and still, is a Stew Peas with white rice man.
Stew Peas is a pot full of wholesome goodness. The pot consists of a rich mix of pig tail, corned beef, corned pork and sometimes some fresh beef, red kidney beans and some freshly juiced coconut milk. And the pot is seasoned with escallion, thyme, onion, pimento and pepper.
Clive recalls how all this combination of protein in one flavourful pot was too much to resist. Of course, the finished pot had plenty of spinners (sinkers) dumplings which just took it over the moon.
The true magic, the thing for Clive which took his taste buds outside the Milky Way Galaxy was way back in the days when the Stew Peas was cooked on a charcoal fire. The fumes of the charcoal enveloped the Stew Peas in the pot. That smoky flavour was like none other. Now this like no other dish – truly made his “heart dance” then as it still does now.
Like Bishop Mac in the previous interview, Clive and his friends often ran boats in the hills behind his community. Those boats were typically a mega pot filled with dumplings and chicken or canned mackerel was the main meat source. This was amazingly fun. That said, he recalls that they never ran Stew Peas boats. Stew Peas, was exclusively a meal that had to be cooked by mommy. Mommy’s Stew Peas rules. His mommy’s Stew Peas is the best. It seems like Clive is trying to stir up ants nest.
Clive wholeheartedly believes that like him, Stew Peas with white rice is a favourite of many if not most Jamaican. He strongly believes that until you have had Stew Peas (especially a very good home cooked pot), you have not yet had the real Jamaican food experience. So when you visit Jamaica, ask for Stew Peas, please.
Interviewed and Written by Radcliffe Lennox
Translated by Shiho Owada

多くの日本人の皆さんが経験したことのないジャマイカのソウルフードを紹介するインタビューシリーズの第二弾。この時期にシチュー料理が続いていますがジャマイカは年中を通して暑い国。多くの国民は冷たい料理を食べず額に汗をかく熱い料理を好んでいます。stew peas(ステュー・ピーズ)はジャマイカ人に大変人気の一品で、第二弾では 「ママのステュー・ピーズ」を、第三弾を「グランマのステュー・ピーズ」を紹介します。作り方が若干異なってきます。
クライヴはドゥハネイ・パーク(Duhaney Park:実際はセント・アンドリューに位置しますが、ZIP CODE[郵便番号]はKingston20であるのでキングストンに位置づけています)という中所得者向けのコミュニティで幼少期を過ごしました。ドゥハネイ・パークはキングストンにあり、セント・アンドリューの西、セント・キャサリンの近くにあります。幼い頃、クライヴはママの料理を非常に楽しんでいました。私たちのインタビューの中で、クライヴは子供の頃のお気に入りの料理をいくつか思い出しました。その中には、2番目に好きな料理であるヤギのカレーも含まれていました。クライヴは私をジャマイカの伝統的な食事の習慣の記憶の彼方へと連れて行ってくれました。
日曜日の食事は家族の食事と同じくらい特別なものでした。ライスアンドピーズが主食で、ステーキ、ポーク、チキンなどの肉料理と組み合わせていました。土曜日はスープの日で、木曜日はステュー・ピーズの日(また、愛情を込めてベン・ジョンソンの日と呼ばれる)非常に特別なものでした。言うまでもなく、これはクライブの “心のダンス “を作った日でした。
この前のインタビューでのビショップ・マックのように、クライブと彼の友人たちはしばしば彼のコミュニティの後方にある丘で友人たちとお昼を作っていました。友人たちと作るお昼は通常、ダンプリン(小麦を水で練った団子:日本のすいとん)で満たされたメガポットであり、鶏肉やさば缶がメインでした。これは驚くほど楽しかったです。クライブはまた言います。「ステュー・ピーズを友人たちと作ったことは一度もありませんでした。ステュー・ピーズは、もっぱらママが作らなければならない食事でした。私のママのステュー・ピーズが全てであり、ママのステュー・ピーズが最高です。」 このコメントでクライヴは全ジャマイカ人を敵にまわしました。(クライブ氏のこの思い出話は昭和45~52年生頃の話です。この時代のジャマイカは昭和と同じく多くの家族は父の父母、父、母、子どもとで構成されていました。父親が外に働きに出て、母親が料理やその他家の事をする、という時代背景。)
文章 ラドクリフ レノックス
翻訳 大和田志保
材料(4人分 Serves 4)
1 キドニービーンズ Red Kidney Beans
1缶 400g
2 酢(できればホワイトビネガー Cane Vinegar)
3 青ネギ Escallion
2~3本 2-3 Stalks
4 玉ねぎ Onion
半分 1/2
5 しょうが Ginger
6 ガーリック Garlic
7 タイム Thyme
8 ピメント(オールスパイス)Pimento
15粒程 15 seeds
9 塩 Salt
10 スコッチボネット(なければハバネロ)Scotch Bonnet Pepper
11 中国醤油 Chinese Soy Sauce
12 牛すじ Beef Stew
13 水 Water
14 ココナッツミルク Coconut Milk
1缶 400g

あらかじめ2~12までをボールに入れて13の牛すじに1時間~半日程度漬け置く Wash fresh meat with vinegar. Scald pig tail, corned beef and pork to reduce the salt. Season fresh meat and marinate 1-2 hours.

缶のキドニービーンズは一旦沸騰させて色を出す Then cook fresh meat and the kidney beans until tender.


鍋に13の分量の水を入れ肉がホロホロになるまで煮込む Add the pig tail, corned beef and pork to the pot and cook on medium.

煮込んでいる間に白ご飯にバターを入れて炊飯器にセットする(我が家は玄米なので茶色ですがジャマイカでは白米を使います)Wash white or brown rice well then add butter and steam until fluffy.

素材でとろみがついてきたらココナッツミルクを入れて水分を飛ばして出来上がりAfter the stew begins to thicken add coconut milk and the rest of the seasoning. Allow the coconut to cook then add the spinners and cook for another 10-15 minutes.