Her Excellency Shorna-Kay M. Richards
Ambassador of Jamaica to Japan
November 2020
As the Ambassador of Jamaica to Japan, I am deeply honoured to serve as the Patron for the Specified Nonprofit Corporation Jamaica Information Center (JIC) during my tenure here in Japan.
Since its formal launch in 2018, JIC has served as what I will call an “ambassador-at-large” here in Japan. The Center continues to promote Jamaica’s rich and diverse culture by showcasing our exciting tourism product and leveraging the island’s athletic prowess to help boost these efforts even further.
Through international exchange projects, the JIC has introduced Japan to the rhythmic sounds of Jamaican music and the flavourful tastes of our international renowned cuisine. Indeed, the JIC’s efforts also go beyond showcasing “Brand Jamaica” to promoting Japan’s unique culture to Jamaicans who call Japan “home” as well as those back home. I commend these efforts which maintain and enrich the meaningful people-to-people exchanges that Jamaica enjoys with Japan. The Center’s work in the area of education and the promotion art is commendable.
Despite the many obstacles that the COVID-19 pandemic has mounted, I am happy that we have found ways to connect using the digital tools at our disposal. In the same way, we must also find similar ways to connect virtually and engage with potential visitors to our beautiful island. For this reason, I encourage JIC to continue using its excellent online platform in its promotion efforts in keeping with its core objectives to Educate, Inform, Support and Synergize.
I take this opportunity to acknowledge the Board of Directors and other members of the JIC for their steadfast commitment to advancing the strong bonds of friendship and cooperation which Jamaica and Japan have enjoyed since the establishment of diplomatic relations on 16th March 1964. In this important endeavour, the Embassy of Jamaica in Tokyo welcomes the opportunity to continue partnering with the JIC.
Her Excellency ショーナ・ケイ リチャーズ