His tenure at the Ministry of Utilities was cut short because he had decided to return to the USA to further his studies. He obtained a Master’s degree in Public Administration at the prestigious Florida International University (FIU). Then returned home to Jamaica in 1987 which at the time was a very challenging period in his life as a new father and husband. The union produced three children – two with his then wife and his daughter who his then wife had prior to their union. To this very day, Fitz still enjoys a very good relationship with his daughter. During this time while actively engaged in the private sector, Fitz continued working on and championing public causes and over time became more closely aligned to one of Jamaica’s two major political parties. As one would say – he picked up the mantle from his father.
Having seen his work ethics, leadership, commitment to serve and stellar organisational skills, he was asked to contest a seat in Saint Catherine which was vacated by the incumbent in 1994 just a year after the General Election which was held in 1993. He has retained his seat for over 26 years now spanning 7 terms as a Member of Parliament. During this time he has served in various capacities which includes being a former Cabinet Junior Minister. Interestingly, he celebrated his 62nd birthday by claiming his 7th victory in the recently contested September 3, 2020 General Elections which was held on his birthday.
While serving as a member of parliament, Fitz Jackson, a consummate businessman and a proud Jamaican was always exploring creative ventures to help sustain his family and provide opportunities for his fellow Jamaicans. This drive, this yearning, has culminated in his very successful Tropical Choice entrepreneurship in 2000. The product was first introduced in Jamaica primarily to test the responses of the very discerning Jamaican palates. He was consciously aware of jerk food being analogous to hamburgers in the USA in that jerk food is
sold virtually everywhere you go in Jamaica. With this present and center in his mind, his primary focus was on getting his products into the US market.
Tropical Choice is a suite of Jamaican Jerk Chicken, Pork, Sausages and their latest “Jerk-aroni” which are produced and marketed in the USA. Jerk-aroni – the latest addition to Tropical Choice’s expanding product mix, is a jerk flavoured sausage which is more like pepperoni thus making it a perfect pizza topping among other applications. The cooking is outsourced to a large reputable food processor in the USA. The thinking behind Tropical Choice Jerk products was to satisfy a market where there was a need but lacked the capabilities and the scale to produce it similar to the prevalence it enjoyed in Jamaica. To realise this vision, Fitz had to dig deep into his engineering and management wealth of experience to devise a tried and proven methodology to mass produce it while maintaining the signature authentic Jamaican jerk flavour experience through every bite from the freezer to the plate.
The packaged jerk products are currently produced in Webster City, Iowa. The jerk marinate is produced in Jamaica and shipped in drums to the processing facility in Webster City. This is to ensure authentication of the taste by ensuring the real unique Jamaican herbs and spices are delicately balanced and achieved in every batch of jerk marinate they ship to the processing facility in Iowa.
Over the years, Tropical Choice like any other businesses has had its fair share of challenges. One of the main, if not the main one identified has been that of finding the right producing capabilities to grow with Tropical Choice and meet the exacting standards of industrial clienteles. With the new arrangement they have in Iowa, they are now able to meet any volume demands. If say a client requires a million pounds (450,000 kg) in a week, they can without any bottlenecks. Prior to contracting production in Webster City, they were working with another processor in Ames, Iowa whose owners had sold the business and the new owners began to focus on other products. Fitz then established relationships with another plant in Daytona, Florida which was unable to satisfy their needs and hence Tropical Choice established relationships with their current producer in Webster City. Fortuitously, Iowa happens to be one of the largest pig rearing regions in the USA. Pig meat is one of the main products in Tropical Choice’s product mix.
Fitz subscribes to the notion that there is always a solution to every issue or challenges which life presents. This is his guiding principle in helping him to get manage his family, professional and public life. This rings through in the sense that Fitz Jackson’s reputation precedes him as a public servant who answers his own phone and is always on call. In addition to all the hats he wears, Fitz also operates a consultancy business which was established in 2007, 2008 or there about. He provides a full suite consulting service to mainly overseas investors entering the Jamaican business landscape. A lot of the consulting is informed by his own knowledge of the web of bureaucracies dogging both the private and public sector – something he is well-appointed to guide others about being integrally and actively involved on both sides of the divide. Among his service provided is to help walk project sponsors through the intricate line of requirements for establishing and sustaining the business for the foreseeable future. Along with his team of consultants, their main purpose is to ensure that viable business concepts are realised by aligning them with the requisite local support network. It is true that the Government of Jamaica has an agency called JAMPRO (Jamaica Promotions) which was established to support investors and promote Jamaican brands globally, Fitz’s consulting company goes beyond JAMPRO’s service offerings by also engaging in negotiations with private entities on behalf of their clients thus spanning the whole ambit of interactions required for any significant projects.
国会議員を務めていた時、完璧なビジネスマンであり誇り高きジャマイカ人であるフィッツ・ジャクソンは、家族を守り、仲間のジャマイカ人にあらゆるチャンスを提供するために、常に創造的な事業を模索していました。この意欲、この憧れは2000年に彼の大成功を収めたトロピカル・チョイス(Tropical Choice)の起業家精神に結実しました。この製品は主に目の肥えたジャマイカ人の舌の反応をテストするためにジャマイカで最初に販売されました。彼はジャーク・フードがアメリカのハンバーガーに似ていることを意識していました。
トロピカル・チョイスはジャマイカのジャークチキン、ポーク、ソーセージ、そしてアメリカで生産・販売されている最新の “Jerk-aroni “(ジャーク-アローニ:ペパロニをもじった言葉)を取り揃えています。ジャーク-アローニは、トロピカル・チョイスの拡大する製品ミックスに加えて、ジャーク風味のソーセージで、ペパロニに似た風味で、ピザのトッピングにも最適です。調理はアメリカの大手フードプロセッサーに委託しています。トロピカル・チョイス・ジャーク製品の背後にある考えは、アメリカではジャマイカで流行しているようなジャーク製品を生産する能力と規模が不足していて、ニーズがある市場を満足させられませんでした。このビジョンを実現するために、フィッツは彼のエンジニアリングとマネジメントの豊富な経験を深く掘り下げ、大量生産するために試行錯誤された実証済みの方法論を考案しなければなりませんでしたが、努力の甲斐あり、冷凍庫から皿に盛られた一口一口に本物のジャマイカ産ジャークの風味を感じることができるようになりました。