Port Antonio in Portland ポート・アントニオ、ポートランド
Chicken Foot Soup
This is the eighth installment in our “Food I fondly remember” interview series which is aimed at introducing Japanese to odds defying Jamaican and their Jamaican soul foods which many Japanese have never experienced but are really worth trying.
Featured in this our eighth interview is Jodi-Ann Robinson – a true blood of the theatre. Jodi-Ann hails from the cool and salubrious parish of Portland situated in the north eastern most region of Jamaica. Portland is also home to the Blue and John Crow Mountains – a distinct honour it shares with both Saint Andrew and Saint Thomas and fringes out into the neighbouring parish of Saint Mary situated west of Portland. Jodi-Ann was all smiles when she boasted about being from the best of Jamaica’s fourteen parishes. (There are some Jamaicans who would beg to differ because of their own personal biases towards their own home parishes. But, I believe that like me, after reading this article, they will become converts. Some might even wish they were born there or have a vacation home there).
So who is Jodi-Ann? What was her formative years like? What is it that helped shaped her taste and appreciation for fine Jamaican cuisine? Which of these delicious dishes truly makes her heart dance? Jodi-Ann opens up and takes us back in time to her early upbringings on Harbour Street, in the capital town of Port Antonio, in the parish of Portland, Jamaica where her parents ran a guest house.
Jodi-Ann has vividly fond memories of growing up in Port Antonio. She was surrounded by loving family members, relatives and affectionate neighbours. For her, the world was hers for the taking. In her cocoon, life was beautiful, life was fun, life was virtually worry-free. She, after all, lives in nature’s paradise. A gift to mankind. A place where the who’s who lustfully desired. A place where they all wished to call their very own.
Jodi-Ann’s grandfather owned and operated their own guest house on Harbour Street. A main arterial of the tourism mecca of north eastern Jamaica. Her father, a chef, was often away for long spells. As a cruise ship chef, he spent a fair amount of his time away at sea serving up tantalising meals with a hint of Portland flavours to delight his cruise passengers’ palates. Her mother too was an amazing cook. All their repeat guests would attest to this salient fact as one of the primary trappings and allures of Port Antonio which kept them coming back year after year and season after season. It is this deep rooted culinary allele embedded in a special chromosome which she was gifted by both her parents that has shaped her deep-seated innate passion for food and cooking – one of her two passions which she shares with the folks of her current adopted hometown in Fukushima City, Japan.
日本人の多くが経験したことのないジャマイカのソウルフードを紹介するインタビューシリーズ「Food I fondly remember」の第8回目です。