
Grandmother’s “Fried Dumplings with Sautéed Cabbage.” おばあちゃんの「フライド・ダンプリングとキャベツソテー」

Kari was a bit taken aback when I asked her to name me that one Jamaican dish from her childhood days which makes her heart dance more than any other. She quipped that there were many and it would be a bit of an injustice to single anyone out as she had very fond memories of the dishes she feasted upon when she was growing up. She spoke of her paternal grandmother who was an amazing cook and with whom she spent a lot of time. Sadly though, Kari’s paternal grandmother recently predeceased her 10 children. Kari remembers that her grandmother’s fried dumplings were like none other that she had ever eaten or even made herself until recently. The secret was in the way she had always done them. Except for one of her daughters, none of her other children have ever been able to perfect the fried dumplings quite the way her paternal grandmother used to make them. 

Based on Kari’s knowledge of food preparation and food chemistry from her years of creating and blogging her own recipes, last year Kari decided to try and recapture the elements of her grandmother’s fried dumplings. She mulled over the taste, texture and the golden brown appearance of her grandmother’s fried dumplings to see how best she could recreate the magic. Eventually, she was able to formulate the recipe exactly the way her grandmother used to make them. When she felt certain she had perfected them, she got her mother on a video call to have her give her verdict. Needless to say, her mother was amazed at Kari’s handiwork.

Her grandmother would complement her fried dumplings with some sautéed cabbage with Jamaican black mint sweetened with condensed milk for tea. This brought back those beautiful memories she had of her time in Mocho. Kari then spoke about her Mount Regale experience where they had a fresh spring running through their family’s land. The bananas in particular were amazingly delicious. Kari opened up to share that she is a town girl with a country heart. In fact, she believes hers is more country biased. Her dream is to one day own a farm to satisfy that passion and connect with her inner soul while owning a townhouse for the enjoyment of the trapping of the city conveniences.

Kari – a certified coach for the past 5 years – has now ventured into making her own cheeses, something she would like to give a more Caribbean accent. As one of the food blogging pioneers among people of colour, she has built some tight bonds with fellow bloggers over the years and have connected with chefs – particularly those of Jamaican heritage. Some of the chefs she had high praise for were Jacqueline Sinclair of Nyam and Trod, Andre Forbes, Noel Cunningham and several others who have been etching their unique and indelible marks on the Jamaican and global culinary spheres. Kari truly believes in celebrating the successes of her peers. She believes success begets success. Kari shared a little secret with me about her cooking book that she will be launching soon, hopefully by the end of the year. She also offers Caribbean cooking classes and her own spices which you can buy online. She also creates recipes for the industry, media, art and photography work for her many clients. One of her clients for sourcing authentic Jamaican spices is a company called “High Noon Spice.” Kari’s father also has a honey farm in Jamaica.

As I wrote in my closing statement to Fitz’s article a month ago, and being a massive lover of fried dumplings myself and as someone who is able to get around the kitchen, I can’t wait to bite into some of Kari’s carbon copy of her grandmother’s “Fried Dumplings with Sautéed Cabbage.”

If you are game for a real healthy serving of a truly authentic Jamaican breakfast feast, and if you are a foodie like Kari and I, a proper serving of authentic Jamaican countryside “Fried Dumplings with Sautéed Cabbage” is guaranteed to make your heart dance. It is equally as delicious with a hearty serving of farm fresh coffee or cocoa. I honestly believe like Kari who has a genuine appreciation for Jamaican cuisine but singled out her grandmother’s “Fried Dumplings with Sautéed Cabbage”, you too will be hooked for life. You can never stop craving more. So, when you visit Jamaica, B&B with a Jamaican, home-stay with a Jamaican, visit a Jamaican home or dine at a Jamaican restaurant anywhere in the world, you must try some proper “Fried Dumplings with Sautéed Cabbage” for breakfast. If possible you should visit Mocho and Mount Regale in Clarendon for the authentic experience Kari just cannot shake from her memory.  Kari also believes you should try it with some “boiled soft green bananas” from Mount Regale. Kari is sure that this will definitely make your heart dance.

Until next time, walk good, stay safe and eat until belly bust.

Next in the series is a former junior champion farmer of Jamaica, and someone who has devoted his entire life on sustaining and creating Jamaica’s agricultural brands from banana to coffee to coconut and on to sugar cane and the rum industry. This son of Manchester – Clarendon’s neighbouring parish will take you on a wild food escapade like none other. Stay tuned.
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カリは、過去5年間料理の公認コーチを務めてきましたが、今ではカリブ海のアクセントをつけたいと思い、自分でチーズを作ることに挑戦しています。有色人種の間でフードブログの先駆者の一人として、彼女は何年にもわたって仲間のブロガーたちと強い絆を築き、特にジャマイカの伝統を受け継ぐシェフたちとつながってきました。彼女が高く評価したシェフの中には、Nyam and Trodのジャクリーン・シンクレア、アンドレ・フォーブス、ノエル・カニンハムなど、ジャマイカと世界の料理界にユニークで忘れがたい足跡を残している数人のシェフたちがいました。カリは、仲間の成功を祝うことを心から信じています。彼女は成功が成功を生むと信じています。カリは、もうすぐ、うまくいけば年末までに発売する予定の料理本について、私にちょっとした秘密を教えてくれました。また、彼女はカリブ海料理のクラスや、オンラインで購入できる自分のスパイスも提供しています。また、彼女は多くのクライアントのために、業界やメディア、アート、写真の仕事のレシピを作成しています。彼女が本格的なジャマイカのスパイスを調達しているクライアントの一つに “High Noon Spice”という会社があります。カリの父親はジャマイカにも蜂蜜農場を持っています。

一ヶ月前のフィッツさんの記事への〆の言葉にも書いたように、私自身もフライド・ダンプリングの大好物であること、そしてキッチンでの仕事をこなせる人間であることからカリのおばあちゃんの “フライド・ダンプリングとキャベツのソテー “のを食べるのが待ち遠しいです。

もしあなたが本当に本格的なジャマイカの朝食のごちそうを健康的に食べたいなら、そしてカリと私のような食通なら、本格的なジャマイカの田舎の “フライド・ダンプリングとキャベツのソテー “はあなたの心を踊らせることが保証されています。農場の新鮮なコーヒーやココアをたっぷり入れても、同じように美味しくいただけます。ジャマイカ料理を心から愛しているカリのように、祖母の “フライド・ダンプリングとキャベツのソテー “を選んで食べれば、あなたも一生虜になると信じています。より多くのものを渇望するのを止めることはできません。だから、ジャマイカを訪れたとき、ジャマイカ人と一緒にB&Bをしたとき、ジャマイカ人と一緒にホームステイをしたとき、ジャマイカの家を訪れたとき、世界のどこにいてもジャマイカレストランで食事をしたとき、朝食には必ずちゃんとした「フライド・ダンプリングとキャベツのソテー」を食べてみてください。



次のシリーズは、ジャマイカの元ジュニアチャンピオン農家であり、バナナ、コーヒー、ココナッツ、サトウキビ、ラム酒産業に至るまで、ジャマイカの農業ブランドの維持と創造に生涯を捧げてきた人物です。お楽しみに! 皆様からのご意見をお待ちしております。この記事を気に入ってくださった方は、ぜひお聞かせください。


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著者&インタビュアー:ラドクリフ レノックス

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