The cinchona bark is reputed to possess medicinal properties. According to webmed.com the bark of the cinchona plant has medicinal properties which aids in improving appetite; helps in the release of digestive juices; assists with relieving bloating, soothes other stomach related concerns, and helps to improve blood vessel disorders such as hemorrhoids, varicose veins, and leg cramps.
Cinchona is one of the most surreal places in Jamaica where visitors can easily become bedazzled. The park feels like it is not in Jamaica because of its uniquely cool climate year round. Needless to say, the Cinchona National Park is arguably one of Donald’s favourite places, if not his favourite place, in the Blue Mountains. Back in the days when he coached the UWI’s table tennis team, he would often take his players up into the Blue Mountain on weekend retreats. They thoroughly loved the experience.
We soon shifted gears to that one unique dish from his childhood days which to this very day still comforts him. That one unique dish from his childhood days which to this very day still fills his heart with joy. That one unique dish from his childhood days which to this very day still makes his heart dance.
Donald – like so many who I have interviewed in Volume 1 of this “Secret Jamaican Gourmet – Food I fondly remember” series – was a bit taken aback when I asked him to name me that one Jamaican dish from his childhood days which makes his heart dance more than any other. He was quick to confess that there were many wonderful dishes that he had enjoyed in his formative years especially in those days when he would partake in the big communal pot in the field at the weekend or during the long school breaks. For him it would be a bit of an injustice to single any one dish out as he had very fond memories of many of the dishes he feasted upon fresh from the field. That said however, although “Stew Peas” was a close second, “Salt Mackerel Rundown” was like none other.
Perhaps the real secret to “Salt Mackerel Rundown” being his all time favourite comfort food – the dish which still makes his heart dance was because unlike many of the dishes back in those days, this was the one dish where except for the salt mackerel and flour, every ingredient in the “Salt Mackerel Rundown” came straight from the land. This is as authentically traditionally Jamaican as they come.
The main ingredients to cook the perfect pot of “Salt Mackerel Rundown” as Donald recalls were salted mackerel, flour, dried coconut, black pepper, country or scotch bonnet peppers, onion, escallion, tomatoes, thyme, yam (they would dig mostly the Renta or Saint Vincent yams from the field), and green bananas and natural wood fire for fuel and that special unmatched flavour which the smoke infuses into the “Salt Mackerel Rundown”. Preparation would begin in earnest with the scalding of the salted mackerel in a pot of boiling water (often done twice). This step was necessary to extract most of the salt from the mackerel, leaving just enough so that there is no need to later add salt to the pot. The desalted mackerel would then be deboned and broken into chunks or left whole (personal preferences).
While the mackerel was being prepared, someone else would crack open one or two dried coconuts and then husk the plump flesh from their hard inner shells. This would be followed by grating the coconut by hand. Warm water would then be added to the grated coconut and then squeezed through a strainer or cheesecloth to extract the coconut milk. The coconut milk was then put in a Jamaican dutch pot and allowed to cook for a little while before adding some of the seasonings.
While the coconut and the mackerel were being prepared by the other cooks, someone else would put a giant pot with water over the wooden fire to bring the water to a boil by the time the “starch foods” were ready to be added to the pot of boiling water. The same starch food cook would have been busy kneading the 2.5 kg of flour to make some giant sized 20 cm diameter (3 cm thick) “cart wheel” dumplings (at least three dumplings for everyone working or helping on the farm). The same cook would then peel and slice the yam before moving on to peeling the green bananas. All these heavenly delights would be added to the bubbling pot and remain on the fire until cooked.
サバを調理している間に、誰かが乾燥させたココナッツを1~2個割って、硬い殻の中からふっくらとした果肉を殻で剥きます。その後、ココナッツをすりおろします。すりおろしたココナッツに温かい湯を加え、こし器やチーズクロスで絞ってココナッツミルクを抽出します。ココナッツミルクは、ジャマイカのダッチポットに入れてしばらく煮込んだ後、調味料を加えます。 ココナッツとサバが他の調理人によって準備されている間、他の誰かが木の火の上に水の入った巨大な鍋を置いて、「でんぷん食品(ダンプリング、ヤム、バナナ、ブレッドフルーツなど)」を沸騰したお湯の鍋に入れる準備が整うまでにお湯を沸騰させているでしょう。同じでんぷん食品の料理人は、直径20cm(厚さ3cm)の巨大なサイズの「カートウィール・ダンプリング」(サイズがカートの車輪ほどの大きさから)を作るために、2.5kgの小麦粉をこねるのに忙しかったでしょう(農場で働いている人や手伝いをしている人には、少なくとも3つのダンプリングが必要)。次に、同じ料理人がヤムイモの皮を剥き、スライスしてから、グリーンバナナの皮を剥きます。これらの天国のような喜びは、泡立つ鍋に加えられ、調理されるまで火にかけられたままになります。